Finally, a New Vampire Movie You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
Photo: I watch a lot of bad horror movies. Heck, my family thinks I watch nothing but bad horror movies. Recently, however, I saw something that made me think, “Damn, that was a good one. Good enough to crack my top 10.” I’m talking about Netflix’s Blood Red Sky , a German vampire movie that takes place on a plane in mid-flight. The premise: a German woman and her young son embark on a flight to the United States. The doctors there think they have a cure for her condition. Her flight is hijacked by a group of brutal terrorists. To protect her son, she has no choice but to reveal her secret. The movie is slick. The protagonist is relatable and very sympathetic. You care right up to the end. The pace is fast, the action sequences are exciting. The vampires themselves are scary and feral. The claustrophobic setting makes them even more terrifying. As you can probably tell, I like my vampires to be frightening. None of that Twilight nonsense (although I have to confess tha...