
Showing posts from April, 2022

Now Available at a Library Near Me ...

I was delighted to find out in  April that paperbacks of my urban fantasy novels are available for lending at two libraries in my county. It’s a dream come true for this indie author. Not only are there two more avenues for readers to find my books, but I personally love libraries. My father was an avid reader. When I was in primary school in Singapore (elementary school in the United States), my father would bring me to the public library with him every month. He’d leave me in the children’s section while he browsed the books in the adult section. I loved exploring the stacks and finding new books to read. It was in that same library that I discovered Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. That library was where I devoured the myths and legends of Greece, Rome, Norway and the United Kingdom. That library was where I found books by Enid Blyton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Susan Cooper, Diana Wynne Jones, George MacDonald, Madeleine L’Engle, C.S. Lewis, L.M. Montgomery, Frances Hodgson Burnett and oth...

Book Review: 'Zombie Complex: The Battle for Chattahoochee Run' by Alexander Pain

Alexander Pain's Zombie Complex: The Battle for Chattahoochee Run is a fun take on the zombie apocalypse.  5 stars:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I had a blast reading this book. The story revolves around a very ordinary apartment complex in a very ordinary neighborhood in Atlanta. The residents must step up when the zombie apocalypse brings life as we know it to a standstill. Fortunately, the protagonists have a sizable gun collection and quite a lot of ammunition. Author Alexander Pain writes with a breezy style that is effortless to read, with believable, relatable and eminently likable characters. The book takes you on an adventure. It’s both fun and funny. The plot is fast-paced, with many exciting moments. I especially liked Pain’s social commentary on living and working with other cultures. My only criticism is the book ended too abruptly for me. I hope there will be a Book 2. There are so many promising threads here that a second book could pick up and further explore. This review was al...

Book Review: 'Wildflowers: A Horror Novel' by Vanessa Perry

My review of Wildflowers: A Horror Novel by Vanessa Perry.  5 stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is such a gem of a book. It is at times horrific and at times heartbreaking as we follow Charlotte, the teenage protagonist, in her struggles to take care of her family after her father’s death. The horror in Wildflowers is not just paranormal. There are some genuinely creepy parts, but what I found most unsettling was the very real abuse she suffers as her mother grows increasingly distant and erratic. Kudos to author Vanessa Perry for giving Charlotte a voice of such clarity and honesty. It brings to life her love for her sisters, as well as her mounting unhappiness and despair. I also enjoyed how the author juxtaposes the book’s beautiful, woodsy surroundings with the dark events taking place inside Charlotte’s house. It gives the story the dreamlike feel of a Grimms’ fairy tale. What a promising debut! I look forward to reading more from this author. This review was also posted to Amazon and G...